TWiki . CUIFS . CommonUserInterface

The Common User Interface (CUI) is a Web site that enables users to search for company information from any country within the EBR ( network.

It is “common” because the EBR network supports it as the default view of the information it offers. The CUI is a product that can be distributed and installed locally by EBR partners, it is not a single access-point to the EBR network, it is a package that must be installed, configured and maintained by each participating partner, probably as an addition to existing national databases.


This specification does not discuss the technical details used by the CUI or EBR network, which will be discussed in additional documentation. It simply discusses what the user sees when they interact with the CUI. The graphics and layout of the screens is shown here merely to illustrate the underlying functionality.

The actual look and feel will be developed over time with the input of graphics designers and iterative user feedback.

This specification does not discuss the algorithms used by the CUI, which will be discussed elsewhere.

This specification will not support the following features:

-- MartinWood - 15 Jul 2003

There is a section on the CUI i.e. the "CUI/MyDetails " that will cover also the case of WS and Portal Gate users. In particular there will be evidence of the generated traffic by a USER with evidence of what the individual partner's End_users actually did.

-- PieroMilani - 17 Jul 2003

----- Revision r1.2 - 17 Jul 2003 - 11:57 GMT - PieroMilani
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